Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Feet

My dad, at the ripe ol' age of 75, is one hip (or "hip-ish") dude.

He wanted--and received--a pair of those foamy, plastic-y, trendy "Crocs" shoes for Father's Day, and he's been wearing 'em.

It's a respectable color, nothing outrageous (tho he did say he'd agree to wearing yellow, if they'd had 'em, as he has a penchant for most things either yellow in color or lemon in flavor, but the place they were ordered from had only more conservative colors in stock), and they seem to fit him fine.

But I don't think my sister's pug, Noelle, quite knows what to make of them.

Without further ado, I bring you my father's feet (and I think this is a hilarious picture, so this post was an excuse to use it):


Laura W. said...

Uhm yeah, that's totally great. The look on the dog's face......

OneWuff said...

I think so, too. It make me laugh out loud every time I look at it....

stfu said...

Those "shoes" are one of the worst trends in super-casual dressing to take lazy suburbanites by storm. They should never ever leave the garden.

That is all.