Monday, January 22, 2007

About those long o's

Speaking of midwestern-isms, there are some pronounced differences in words which I've noticed since being here.

I never said "pop" before moving here. It was always "soda" in California.

"Hotdish?" We ate casseroles.

"That's different" means, Dude, you are WEIRD. (Or, actually, "THAT is weird," or "I don't get it," or something like that.)

"I suppose" means I can't really wrap my brain around that right now.

But I've been here 5 years and it's happened. My o's sometimes come out all long and Norwegian and even I'm surprised. What if I start wearing plaid? Or brightly-colored sweaters with puffy appliques all over them? Or develop a taste for Lutefisk? Or Lefse?

Hey, I'm not getting my bitch on about the midwest. It's been good to me here. It's what I needed at a time I really needed it. I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

MarkLWilliams said...

One of those "Lutefisk" fish might fun to have on your car -- in an "Easy Rider" -drive-through- a-red-state sense...
