Sunday, January 28, 2007

Twice Frozen

So, I'm an Episcopalian. I love the tradition--and I love High Church. It's very rich, just full of spectacle and pomp. Going to church on Sundays is like partaking in a very rich dessert; you feel really satisfied afterward, and know you've had something GOOD.

Anyway, one of today's themes (well, it's an ongoing theme, and really should be, in all faiths) was acceptance of anyone different. At one point, during announcements, our Dean said, "I want you to turn to the person next to you, right now, and say, 'I love you and accept you exactly the way you are,'" which I thought was very cool and somewhat like a theater exercise.

Now, Episcopalians are referred to as "God's Frozen People" or "God's Frozen Chosen" for a reason; like the Royal Family, they're a generally stoic (some might say "shut down" or "repressed") bunch, preferring to nurse their feelings over a plate of ham and a good, stiff G & T, rather then, you know, actually FEEL them.

Additionally, these are Minnesotans; also not exactly known for being demonstrative. So it was kind of a Frozen Double Whammy. You could feel the discomfort, the twinge of self-conscious fear ("I mean, what if I really DON'T 'love' the person next to me? What if he smells, or votes 'wrong' or likes butt sex or has something green stuck in his teeth?!") sweep across the congregation.

I turned to the guy in the pew next to me, just some random guy, and waited--and waited--to catch his eye. He pretended he hadn't heard or was suddenly deaf (which he was not, I assure you), or quadraplegic, or something, because (like many others) he kept staring straight ahead with a strange little grin on his face, looking neither right nor left. Just straight ahead, grinningly.

I thought, dude, I was SO ready to love you and accept you unconditionally, and this is how you repay me? This is how you TREAT me?? So I gave up and turned all the way around to the guy--some older gentleman--in the pew BEHIND me, and uttered the words, which he then said to me. It was very kind, and a nice exercise, and I think it pleased both of us to participate.

I left the frozen church and made my way back out into the equally frozen city (-25 when I called the weather this morning), feeling good and really calm and soothed (I like my Sunday Dose o' God), and I appreciated that the Dean at least TRIES to get people to think about other people.

So if you're reading this, may I just say, I love you and accept you exactly the way you are.

Even with that green thing stuck in your teeth.


Laura W. said...

I especially enjoy the graphics you include....are those from your own web searches or are they compiled for bloggers to pick from?
I've been checking every day to see what you've come up with new.....always rewarded on the weekends! Keep up the good work! I forwarded to my Mom in case she needed some entertainment.....
Love ya,

OneWuff said...

My dearest Birdnerd:
I am so flattered you check my online ramblings, and equally flattered you've forwarded the URL to good ol' Mel (whom I was thinking about today because I want to bake bread and recall her home-made bread being absolutely outstanding)!
I troll the 'net for the graphics, and find them all on Google Images, actually, so it's really not all that sexy. But there are some good ones, and it's really fun to decide what random sentence to illuminate with a photo.
As for the balls, you just can't make that sh*t up. I agree. Gross. Just gross.