Saturday, March 03, 2007

Blog on, Blog off

No, I haven't blogged for a while. I believe part of the reason why is the nearly back-to-back snow storms we've been having in these parts, leaving me feeling draggy, terribly unwitty, and badly in need of a stretch of hibernation.

We had a major storm last Saturday/Sunday, followed by another this past Thursday into Friday; bands of bad weather that came roaring in, only to dump copiously, leave a mess and flee--somewhat like a recent former friendship.

Ah, but I digress, however briefly. You get the drift, no pun intended.

Today, I made my way on foot to the grocery store, as I do many Saturday mornings. All was white and treacherous, and I do mean treacherous. After living here for 5 years, I no longer take the most quotidian functions for granted, such as stepping off the curb and crossing the street. After the city has plowed, great heaps of dirty snow are pushed into 4 or 5 foot mounds along the curb, and there they sit. Now, one does not merely step ever-so-daintily over these mounds, no; one must prepare to scale them, ascending, hitting the man-made summit, then descending, praying all the while that one does NOT slip on one's ass. The best one can hope for in such circumstances is that another has gone before, leaving deep foot impressions in the snow, thus creating a sort of helpful stair-step effect.

On the up side, we're getting closer to Easter (more chocolate!) and Passover (more macaroons!), both of which I love for the aforementioned foods. As a reward for my I-may-as-well-be-trucking-up-Everest-'cause-they-won't-find-my-
corpse-till-Spring-thaw outing today, I treated myself to one of those funky Manischewitz cans of Almond-flavored macaroons, the tiny, chewy ones that usually become part of a "Hello, Jewish Neighbors!" endcap display at this time of year.

So all is not utterly horrific. Just cold and white. But The macaroons are a reminder that Spring can't be too far off. And for that, I am profoundly grateful.

Though I can't say I'm thrilled at the prospect of slogging through slush. Ah, Portland! Rain never looked so good!

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