Monday, February 12, 2007

Body Rocks

So, I've been having pain and stiffness in 3 of my fingers (pinky on the left hand, middle & ring fingers on the right), located in the last knuckle joint closest to the fingertip, and it's worse upon waking, but tends to diminish as the morning wears on and my fingers get stretched a bit.

In researching this, I have concluded it is arthritis, which I've only noticed this year (and which is exacerbated by the cold weather here). This is the major reason I've begun to overhaul my diet and revisit vegetarian/veganism, actually. Besides, I'm an A- blood type and, according to the blood type diet, I'm a "natural vegetarian," so it could even be that what little meat I've allowed myelf to consume has had a negative effect on my body.


I was talking to my mother yesterday and she theorized, in addition to cold & diet, that perhaps I was "somaticizing" the pain in my fingers, the definition of which is: "To convert into physical symptoms," such as grief, anxiety, anger, etc.

So I said, "You mean, like, I want to choke He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named? Or bitch-slap the daylights out of him?"

And she said, "Well, you know...." in that way that means, Oh, hell YES, you do.

Now, I admit, I HAVE had daydreams of drafting & delivering the most profound and eloquent You're-an-Asshole monologue to this former friend of mine, and on a purely rational level, I know it would be highly detrimental to all aspects of my well-being to resume dealing with someone so damaged and toxic. On an emotional level, however, well, let's just say that daydream has not yet completely fizzled out. Hence, the Somatic Theory.

So, as tempting as that whole bitch-slapping scenario may be, I think it probably makes more sense to just go find a good Acupuncturist instead.


Laura W. said...

Hey, isn't that the Pope's hand?

OneWuff said...

Yep. I liked the ring. :-)